Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Dream Act

This is my new project. I have a friend who is an illegal alien. He is a child in high school. Through no fault of his own he is in the US.

If anyone is reading this, for a moment put aside you bias towards illegal aliens and whatever you bring to the table. Imagine for a moment that your child has gone to school here most or part of their life. You have hopes and dreams for your child right? Your child has plans for their future , right? Maybe your child wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, a school teacher; well for the hundreds of thousands of undocumented children in the US this dream is an impossibility with our system the way it is now.

These children cannot go to college and if they are lucky enough to get into a college when they get out of school they are STILL illegal and will not be able to get a job! Our federal government has allowed these children to be educated until graduation from high school then they are hung out to dry. What are their options? Stay here, living in the shadows or go back to their PARENTS home country where they don't have a life. Their life is here. Please if you can look at this without bias , support the dream act. Look at the provisions in it and see if it is something you can support.

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