Sunday, September 13, 2009


Missed the concert last night at the Shul thanks to my wonderful family. Has anyone seen the movie "houseguest"? that's my life right now.

Went to the synagogue Friday night for a little spiritual pick me up. G-d I love that place. Maybe I'll quit my job and become a strictly observant Jew. Can anyone pitch in financial donations??? LOL. ... Work tomorrow then in a couple of weeks I have vacation.

Sidney is sick.. Hope it's just a cold. Isaac is at Kenny's his PawPaw.

Next weekend will be devoted to Rosh Hashanah . I CAN'T WAIT!!!! See ya soon.

Saudi Arabia: Countering Terrorism With Brutal Repression

Saudi Arabia: Countering Terrorism With Brutal Repression

Monday, July 27, 2009

My quest to become a Jew

I can't sleep. I wake up thinking about G-d. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? How can I get there faster? It's the middle of the night and I should be sleeping. So to help myself I will start daily blogging about this issue in my life. I have people in Israel that are helping when I send them questions. Sent the Rabbi a very long email I'm sure he's gonna be thrilled to get that.

I should be reading Torah maybe that's why I'm awake. But instead of putting me to sleep it actually would be like picking up a really good book that I can't put down. Please G-d help me to be a better person and to have self control. I'm going back to bed but tomorrow there will be a long post about my quest up to this point.

Quick story, I go to Nashville last week. Run into a black hat Jew is all I know to call him. Never seen one before in public. I go knock on his window in his car. (probably a big fat no no) He rolls down the window. I say excuse me sir do you know where I can get kosher food.? (HG HILLS used to be there is Green Hills) He says Cincinnati and chuckles. Anyway he had a teenager in the back seat and she told me who to call. Now I don't think that is a coincidence. You tell me.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well I thought I wanted the house to myself. JR went back to work. Sidney is coming and going. Kenston and Isaac have been back at Erica's, for how long I don't know. Didn't sleep last night, the house was too quiet. I am in search of a dog, received an email with a potential dog for us. I miss Isaac when he's not here. I've gotten used to having him here!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time for Desperate Housewives. I've been trying desperately to get a picture of a new bird in my yard. It looks like a Coal Tit but that's not common in this area. Maybe I'll get a picture and someone can help me figure this out.
This is my very aggressive Mockingbird. He/she thinks she owns the yard and constantly attacks my cat Paris Hilton.
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Male Cardinal

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My first underwear

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Lazy Sunday

Today we've spent just lounging about. Kenny just stopped by to show us a Porsche he's trying out and I got to meet his friend Debbie. Kenston and Isaac are living here now....that's been a big adjustment. Sidney has gone to get her hair highlighted....Roast in the crockpot so dinner is covered.


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cardinal ?

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Isaac slept over last night and we went to Lewisburg for the day. Had big fun... he just goes wild down there. Mom is doing much better . She cooked us a big dinner for a change. It will probably take her the week to recover from that. Glad to be back home. Almost time for Desperate Housewives.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Isaac's birthday

So today we went to Chuck E Cheese for Isaac's birthday. For some reason these things always seem like a good idea when you plan them. Of course it turned out fine. He had several major meltdowns, like when we wanted him to open gifts, and when we wanted to take pictures with his cake, and when he couldn't do EVERY SINGLE GAME RIGHT WHEN HE WANTED TO!@!!! Ok , I can calm down now. At least none of the adults were having meltdowns.

It was really fine but wow I am tired. Welcome to the terrible twos!

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Birthday

We had a lovely evening at Longhorn Steakhouse for my birthday. 39 and holding!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lazy Saturday.

Been on the couch all day. Headed over to get Isaac. He'll be thrilled to see his DIDI and PAPAJ.
Mom was back in the hospital. She fractured 3 ribs from a fall last week. She's back at home. It's neverending.