Sunday, September 18, 2011

Debs Life

Why is it that Jewish people know so little about their religion?  I am not saying all of them but many.  If you weren't raised in a religious home I thought at least most Jews would do the holidays and actually know what they mean.  I guess it is similar to Christmas in the Christian religion.  They celebrate it but don't go to church on most of their holidays.  It is very hard to understand at times why converts have to go through so much to be converted yet people born jewish basically don't have to know anything about who they are to stay with the tribe.

This has been a real conundrum for me.  You see it is not normal for people in Tennessee to "choose" to be jewish.  It is hard for me to watch people move here from places like New York, Miami, Atlanta, anywhere there is a substantial jewish population and arrive here and realize they have taken their culture for granted.  I have one person who was afraid to put her menorah up for fear of the neighbors.  Not that the neighbors would do anything it's just that stereotype people have about people from the south.  For the most part no one really gives a darn if you are jewish or have a menorah, they are probably more curious than anything.  Happy Chanukah and please share my blog.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Spent the day AGAIN doing wedding stuff. We have one week until the big day. Much to my dismay I realized we picked a date that in the three weeks of Jewish mourning leading up to T'ish B'av. I will pray that this does not create some kind of hex on my daughter. Luckily she's not jewish so she doesn't really care although I do occasionally suggest that a seventh day adventist is just a Jewish Christian. Enough of that messianic stuff they are the real deal. But I ramble.

Happy to be off for the next two weeks, may have to get a part time job to pay for this wedding.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Good Shabbos all. I'm online and shouldn't be. Wanted to go to Erev Shabbat services tonight but didn't make it. Tomorrow night we are attending a benefit for my nephew's school. It is at Loveless Cafe and Allison Kraus will be performing. Not sure what she sings but I know I'll enjoy a night out with JR and my dad.

My dad seems to be coming out a little since my mother's passing in October. We made it through Thanksgiving and the holidays ok I suppose.

Met with the conservative Rabbi a couple of weeks ago. Torn as to what to do there.....I guess prayer will help me decide which direction to go at this point in my life. Plan on attending Chocolate Seder at The Temple on Sunday ....that should be interesting.

Sidney is moving out on the 8th. She's all grown up. later all

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Israelis

Had a great night tonight at the Schraugers. Met some very interesting people from Israel and also some great local people. gosh who wouldn't love the Israelis? They are intelligent, warriors, peace activists, nationalists and just great human beings who value life. I think they are fabulous. Again a great evening.