Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well I thought I wanted the house to myself. JR went back to work. Sidney is coming and going. Kenston and Isaac have been back at Erica's, for how long I don't know. Didn't sleep last night, the house was too quiet. I am in search of a dog, received an email with a potential dog for us. I miss Isaac when he's not here. I've gotten used to having him here!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time for Desperate Housewives. I've been trying desperately to get a picture of a new bird in my yard. It looks like a Coal Tit but that's not common in this area. Maybe I'll get a picture and someone can help me figure this out.
This is my very aggressive Mockingbird. He/she thinks she owns the yard and constantly attacks my cat Paris Hilton.
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Male Cardinal

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My first underwear

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Lazy Sunday

Today we've spent just lounging about. Kenny just stopped by to show us a Porsche he's trying out and I got to meet his friend Debbie. Kenston and Isaac are living here now....that's been a big adjustment. Sidney has gone to get her hair highlighted....Roast in the crockpot so dinner is covered.


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cardinal ?

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